Did you participated in HacktoberFest 2021 🤔, and contributed some awesome open source work. It's time to grab your rewards. Just follow up the below steps and you are all set. 😎
To those who contributed 4+ PR's successfully during this Hacktoberfest month. You can claim these rewards:
- Tree🌳 or T-shirt👕
- Dev Hacktoberfest 2021 Badge🔖
Above image shows swags of Hacktoberfest 2020
One must have completed the task submitting 4 or 4+ PR's. To check your PR status, whether it is pending or completed, visit your HacktoberFest Profile.
[1. Claim Tree or T-shirt]🔥
This, year Hacktoberfest gives the choice between planting a tree or instead receiving a Hacktoberfest labeled T-shirt. The choice is yours.
Step1: Check HacktoberFest profile, here you must have received a message that mentions - You have completed Hacktoberfest 2021!
Step2: Choose for customized reward page link. You will be navigated to the Redemptional Portal. Each of the user receives a unique redeem code. So, Don't share it with anyone! You can see your unique code in your profile page.
Step3: Time to make choice👍. One can either go for T-shirt or Plant a Tree. (When selecting for clothing just make sure to select you appropriate size, you can't change it later)
Step4: Okay, so you've made your choice. You will be asked to fill your shipping address and you are done!
Step5: Once everything done, check your entered mail inbox, for order confirmation. The email looks somethings similiar to the below image:
🚀Now just wait till the item gets shipped. Keep in mind that Due to ongoing COVID-related disruptions the t-shirt on the estimate will reach you atmost by the end of 2021.
[2. Claim your DEV Hacktoberfest badge]🔖
This Badge is an additional reward as a part of 👉 HacktoberFest 2021 as DEV has been a consistent supporter of Hacktoberfest. One must have a DEV account in order to claim this badge.
If you don't have a DEV account🌈, create a new account here.
Step1: Go to your hacktoberfest profile and check for the DEV badge reward section.
Choose for Read more.
🧐 Important: Copy the code given here at the end of the third instruction.
Step2: To get your DEV HactoberFest 2021 Badge, visit this Link
Step3: Enter your DEV Username in the required box.
Step4: After adding to Cart, you need to Check Out. Don't worry about the price that is mentioned. It will be sorted in the next Step.👻
Step5: Once, inside the checkout. Fill in your details as required.
Also, Add the code that you copied as instructed in Step1 to the space provided on the right side. And the amount turns $0.
Step6: You will receive this screen once everything is done successfully✨.
Also, to make sure you can check your entered email for a confirmation email.
✅Note: Dev Badges will be awarded at a later date. So you need to wait for several weeks for fulfillment.
[Ending the Blog Post💖]
If you have also participated or contributed to this Hacktoberfest 2021, congrats to you fellas. Also, if want to write about your Hacktoberfest experience, just share it here with everyone. Everyone is welcome to share their story. To read out my experience, head over to my Hacktoberfest Experience blog.
To know more about Dev Hactoberfest badge, read this official blog
If you like this blog, and it helped you, drop your comments.👇